The Lowdown

***COVID-19 PLEA!***

As I currently have no income whatsoever, I’ve put an album together of my life’s work on Bandcamp. If you are working/employed/not skint and you can afford it, please do go ahead and get one. It includes twenty tracks plucked from the last twenty five years and an extensive PDF with the story of each song. Here’s a link and thanks in advance!

A Lifetime Messing About – The “best of me”!

Also, if you are on Facebook, you could do worse than like this page! I’m doing three live shows per weekend to try and keep a few of you entertained and they’re great fun!

The PBE TV channel!

Here we go then. Hello! I’m Paul B. Edwards. My comedy, musical and promoting career is so old it can vote, drive, buy a gun, get married and (most importantly) get served in pubs. I’m available for all manner of events, can put entire shows together and I’ve done just about everything that’s worth doing in comedy. I’ve played all over the world and headlined huge festivals. I’ve been on telly (a bit) and radio (a lot) but you know what? You can probably still afford me. feel free to get in touch with me via and let’s see how we get on, eh?


Here’s a  video release for one of my tracks “Norwegian Disco” available on “Songs In The Key Of Death” and NOT to be taken too seriously…